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Comica Absolution | 3/17/2025

Another week, another Friday. Now here we are on the TRUE first weekly short blog, let's get in the details.

Image of a drawing of a robot in shenanigans

So if I manage to finish cleaning up the comic then hooray today, I made part 2 of "The Tree" Comic. The tough thing during my drawing of those 6 fresh pages is how I never draw references of the characters and backgrounds, along with drawing three pages like how artist does it for efficiency. In case you might miss it, read it here!

Image of a guy putting his face on the desk

Now onto a course of topic of doing comic efficiency, inking is hard. Like obviously really. I just use my dip pen which was my extra gift after my fountain pen and found myself using it more often, if you check on the comic then you see how abruptly detailed I draw on the backgrounds. Initially as a stylistic choice, now becomes a burden.

Heck, I might even consider thinking about inking digitally because of how easy it was. In goes saying, that's just the easy way. The traditional charm would of course become lost.

So Hell with it and I learn three page workflow, working in bulk, and possibly try to draw reference drawings of as mention of characters and background guides. I'm not much of a practice guy. Just that I be drawing what I want but there's room for improvement. That is also the reason why I make comic series be monthly (or bi-monthly?), art will be a test of patience, and so is creation though.

So now, Where have I been doing?

Image of a guy with dice reflecting from his eyes

A solo rpg session. No, really. I just use AI as my assistant and I am my own DM/GM. I can agree to you that I just have fun with it.

Basically the homestuck thing I've said before? Yeah that becomes an inspiration of the session. I'm not gonna even show it since it's just a game, somehow I got well dedicated and setup multiple txt files to manage and track on what's going on. I'm not even using the common solo rpgs, I favored generic solo rpg using only the oracle purely.

I'm quite well invested on directing where it goes that I work barely an hour or two on working at "The Tree" comic. It is a waste of time. And it is worth it because I have fun with storytelling.

Image of two files and a C Plus Plus logo

D6s aside, I'm getting acquainted with C++ on programming. It is indeed literally C with Classes and Objects. Basic by far that I do ironically use w3schools.

I learn some cout and cin, some strings and namespace stds. Made a simple test cpp file and it works. I thought if I can do this on SDL until got distracted by that one youtuber who uses the command line to program something. I wonder...

Oh, by just now. I got my recorder somewhere on a room, I show my old skill level on how I use it as before. Decided I need the help from the internet to use it.

And thus I learn how to blow the recorder decently, made some unknown melodies and just play the penumbra phantasm motif for the sack of got damn dog who makes music who lead me to read homestuck by chance.

That'll all be to it, I'm writing this at 3/16/2025 and awaiting release to 3/21/2025. Because I have a busy time to finish "The Tree" Part 2. Confused? Good, because it is either done or delayed upon releasing this blog.

And now I'll see you next week, same time on friday perhaps?

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Post-blog at 3/17/2025:
Well, that was quick than expected. How of a fool I was that I am eager to release this.

[Post-blog end]

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