Web and Comics | 2/22/2025

    Now we are really rolling here, second blog of this website. I'll be talking on what's going on here and why's the website different, as well as the color schemes of sorts. You might know what I'm going to talk next after this from the sub-text from the menu's latest feed. Unless you didn't look at it, I'll keep it short: Moving from github pages to neocities and comic ideas. So now, I'll get this started

The Overhaul

    Initially the website used to be dark purpley of sort, because it was my favorite color that I like. The layout was quite big and compacted and mostly uses common divs and bunch of html links on other parts of the website. I was really proud of what I've programmed in such a simple website and able to host it from github pages (hold your horses, I'll still talk about that later after this), Simple sleek style of sort and took me about days to program the first re-struct (My own terminology of programming's refactor) that took me a while to make the bare-bones website to a seemingly populate one.

    After the shenanigans and being busy with my life, I get into a different computer and sometimes on mobile phones. There I notice the flaws of the layout I've just programmed, it's usually your typical beginner programmer's common html sites that has no clue about compatibility with websites, that gets me an Idea on remaking the website while I was making with my recent comic project (Again, hold your horses).

    I thought of an Idea like "What if I could just use one html instead like I've used to do in carrd? Making it easier by just having a dynamic sections and possible could use iframe if it were for bunch of blogs?", so I did it and lo and behold it took me a few weeks this month. I'll try to explain how the website works and such, but I'm quite a beginner at javascript despite part of the C-Syntax family on which I was comfortable with. It'll be a simple explanation, even digestible maybe.

How does the website work?

    In a simple way of this, I take inspiration from dynamic sections of html and Chrome Tabs from the 2010s. It's like a seamless switching to other websites for multi-tasking, but the basic idea of this when applying to this website is good for that. In that case, I force myself to learn a bit of javascript and getting some online resources to get it working. This website really carried me about literally everything on the four three horsemen of front-end programming, I know there are other websites that offers the same help about it but really I use that one often and do utilize the forums on specific problems.

    The tabs of course, is just like the tabs from your browser, but it changes sections' visibility instead of websites. The default Id is "Menu" which is the front-page, it uses a simple code simple function of course and it's nothing but trivial, except it took me about hours to get it working. What the function does is that it takes the id parameters, then it finds the id's element along with the current id as a variable, and now they do a switcheroo with the style.display = "none" and *"block"*.

   The other one is doing the iframes, you'd be seeing this iframe right now in a special section of this webpage, you can just see it through inspect element and its id is called "view". Now what does the "view" section do? a little complicated than the previous, and to note that other websites have the variables in the urls that I rather not have that when updating the website. It's pretty much checking the valid strings and it has its own function to check the pass if the function's parameters are valid, you wouldn't see this blog if it errors that you'll end up with a not_found.html in the iframe.

    The latest feed actually works the same way, it's just the same function parameters. The only thing missing is the gallery and comics section, I have it to skip it for a reason. Gotta meet the timeline that I have to release this website's update and upon the move to a new hosting site, in which I'll be talk about it right now.

Github pages to Neocities

    You wonder why I have to move from one to another despite the file restrictions... Well... Unless you haven't seen me before and if you do see my older version of this domain, Haven't we? I don't know lol, It's my shenanigans again. I have a reason to move to this host (or rather going back to this host if I'm ever forgettable right?), realizing that github pages wants you to release your source code of the website and I do climb this reason in such about things. Even more concern is how would people see this website, like nobody's going to your website if there's no basic connections to people when they're busy with their youtube and such (I still use youtube for procrastinating).

    I take some reasonable small research and it always circles back to neocities that I've used to have a website here before, now I'm pretty much stuck with that hosting service and there are no other options to get it. But I take a time to think about it and I get it in my own quote: "Community is important for one's creation that leads to external motivation and authentic joy of creating itself." Now, I'm here at neocities. It's a short section but we gotta ball to my comic ideas or what not?

Comics shenanigans

    You know how game developers in the past used to pay to get game engines or take online forums to share games and help each other on a limited resource internet? Well I'll be damn if this is the first paragraph I'll talk about it first on a comic section: Making games takes time! I would rather make comics first before even making a game later to save myself from work crunch, yet I still have ideas on my notebook that I have to post-pone it unless you guys ask me about it. Let's get into the comics for real this time:

    I will have a short dry run comic for this website that is exactly 5 pages for three parts, just a simple comic wouldn't hurt to work on, not only that but it's a way to develop the portfolio that might work as such but I don't know about it anyway (You can email me if you want). I'll give you a tiny sneak peek in a few words, just to know what kind of comic is it:

    "A tree with a secret."

    Yup, you guess something like paranormal, fantasy, or some kind of hidden stuff that was more of a time relic. But right now, I'm almost finish the 5 page comic so I'll update this site to get the comics section workings. You can also ask me if you want more than three parts, maybe something to expand on this strange comic story of something. I'm not a story master but it is something.


    Writing this with a sprinkle of seriousness sorts it, I shall rest from writing this blog. You can check the previous blog if you want to see the first shenanigans before the move. Of course I'll allow you to skim this blog if you don't have time, I respect your time to do your own thing rather than force you to read it, I don't have time as well too! See you on the next blog! And maybe I can post some images on the gallary or getting to release this comic.

[Blog ends here]