Unusually, This section is extras for fun. It's not only useless at first, it also gets the links and status message from the sidebar spot for mobile devices. Therefore this exist for a reason, have a look around.
Sidebar's Section
Hello, it is me sidebar. I'm prohibited to use my spot by yours truly on this page, northsilver said it is for a special reason that to not confuse desktop users. He also mentioned I might be moving to the FrontPage instead of the lounge, completely reasonable for mobile users but at the later date that is known as Friday. Take a peek on the status message below:Last Updated:
Embed Section
Here's my embed if you like this website, I highly discourage hotlinking so download the image:

Custom embeds (These do not link to any websites):
Other people's websites below (To clarify, I just like their websites and not really friends per se... but more like great fellow people of neocities, no offense though):
Total amount: 14